Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Break: Beach break

Even though we had a break from 'school' for two weeks...our extracurricular activities didn't stop.
That and the rain put a bit of a damper on any long road trips. 
So there was one day we packed up just after lunch and headed to Berkeley to check out the Adventure Playground. I've always wanted to take the kids there but apparently they are only open on weekends this month.  Boo to that, but hoorah for the beach across the path.
We stayed to toss some rocks before heading home.

After fashioning a sand dune dam and throwing every rock and stick they could find......
we headed home for one of the boy's baseball games.
A little time in the sun with our toes in the waves makes for a fulfilling day.
Thankfully we didn't have to drive very far ;)

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